How to recruit in a candidate short market
8 Nov
How to recruit in a candidate short market

As we approach 2022 recruiting is tougher than ever for businesses who are looking to hire top talent ready for the New Year. Businesses are getting next to no applications for roles and are struggling to attract the right quality of candidate for their roles. They thought there would be an influx of candidates being made redundant, but they are nowhere to be seen.

On the back of the pandemic, we are finding there is a nervousness around making a move at this current time making it tough to attract candidates. Given the pandemic who can blame people, we all want a bit of normality again and now everyone is talking about the “C” word already you can’t help but understand why people may be thinking they’ll just wait till next year.

It’s our 4th Birthday….
8 Oct
It’s our 4th Birthday….

It’s our 4th Birthday….

We are incredibly grateful and truly blessed given the last 18 months to celebrate 4 years in business, we wanted to share with you our journey so far and let you know what’s in store for Chrysalis People Solutions into year 5.

Why setting up a franchise business model will now help other working parents
13 Sep
Why setting up a franchise business model will now help other working parents

There is no doubt that this past year has been an incredibly trying time for everyone. While we are finally seeing hopeful signs of a new normal, the lasting impact will be felt for a long time to come.

It is evident the impact of the pandemic on working parents having had to drop everything in order to home school whilst juggling work and everything else that comes with family life. Although wasn’t it nice to spend more time with family, time out exploring and enjoying nature and time away from the hustle and bustle of life?

How to protect the mental health of your employees following Covid-19
2 Apr
How to protect the mental health of your employees following Covid-19

Regardless of job role, we’ve all been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Whether it’s meant being partly or fully furloughed, or picking up the work of furloughed colleagues; learning a new way of working from home; juggling employment with closed childcare settings; or being required to undertake Covid-safety work practices; no one, whatever they do, has been immune from a change to how, where or what they do at work.

Because of this, a priority for employers as we come out of the pandemic and return to a ‘new normal’ must be the protection of their employees’ mental health.

Indeed, evidence shows some 12.7% of days off due to sickness in the UK were down to mental health illness. So alongside the moral factor in supporting staff mental health, there’s also a case for it being good for business too.


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