50 percent of candidates want out of agency!
30 May
50 percent of candidates want out of agency!

Would it surprise you if I said at least 50% of the candidates we are speaking to daily want out of agency?

I’m talking those that have worked in agency for years and have some incredible experience are now deciding they want to leave agency life and move in-house.

Even those who have only worked in the industry a short time, they want out.

What's Important To Employees - 3 Years On From The Pandemic
4 Apr
What's Important To Employees - 3 Years On From The Pandemic

Three years ago our lives changed forever, and although it took so many lives and impacted those of everyone around the world people had no choice but to be present in the moment and reflect on the important things in life. The day Covid hit the world changed forever.

We all got to spend more time with the family, enjoy the outdoors, we weren’t working day and night and began to appreciate what is important and when the time came to return to “normal” things had changed forever.

For those businesses embracing change and really addressing what’s important to their workforce will not only keep them, they will attract great talent. For those that don’t then unfortunately you limit your talent pool and are giving your employees a reason not to stay.

How to take your marketing career to the next level in 2023
3 Jan
How to take your marketing career to the next level in 2023

It is that time of the year whereby we all take some time to reflect on the year gone and our goals, aspirations and desires for the year ahead. This year may be the year whereby you are ready to take your marketing career to the next level and in order to do that you need a plan of action.

Your career is in your hands so only you can take responsibility for taking action and progressing, if of course that’s what you want to do.

How to become an agency of choice for marketing professionals in 2023
5 Dec
How to become an agency of choice for marketing professionals in 2023

There’s no hiding away from it, things have changed. Since covid we have seen a real shift in what people are looking for from their employer. If you want to attract great talent next year then you have to establish yourself as an employer of choice. Candidates want much more from an employer now and this is where those businesses that embrace it will attract great talent in 2023.

You’ve been made redundant, so what’s next?
21 Nov
You’ve been made redundant, so what’s next?

As we continue to see uncertainly, we have already started to see redundancies happening, some of which are with global marketing businesses and the reality is we will continue to see more as businesses have to navigate their way through a recession. One thing that is really important to remember is this isn’t personal, it’s the role that’s made redundant – not you.

So, if you are one of those affected then here’s our top tips on what you can do right now to land your next role.


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