Thinking of making a move ready for the New Year?
7 Nov
Thinking of making a move ready for the New Year?

As we approach the seasonal period it is a great time to start considering your future and what is ahead for 2023. It’s a candidate led market right now, which means if you have the right skills and can sell yourself at interview then you could well land your dream role ready for a fresh start in 2023.

It’s our 5th birthday….
7 Oct
It’s our 5th birthday….

5 years ago, I set up Chrysalis People Solutions following a holiday with my husband and 2 young boys, it was an instant decision, one in which I knew I had to make in order to find some work life balance and to start being a better mum to my boys.

I remember on day one sitting at my dining room table with just a laptop and a phone. Even now I look back and can’t believe the courage I had to go it alone.

Introducing Chrysalis People Solutions as Your Marketing Recruitment Partner, Where People Matter!
3 Oct
Introducing Chrysalis People Solutions as Your Marketing Recruitment Partner, Where People Matter!

As we start our 5th birthday celebrations we are thrilled to announce that we are now specialists within the digital, creative and marketing industry.

This won’t be a surprise to most of our clients because over the last 5 years 75% of the roles we have filled have been within the marketing industry but as a business we have up until now worked very much as a generalist and as with anything in life you can’t be an expert at everything so we have bitten the bullet to really focus on our thing.

What’s your candidate attraction strategy?
11 Jul
What’s your candidate attraction strategy?

In recent weeks we have been talking about the candidate market and the changes we are seeing when speaking with candidates.

We know for most businesses there has been a real struggle to recruit top talent over the last few years due to the pandemic, people naturally have been too nervous about a move. Even those desperate to move haven’t had it as a top priority.

Why are your employees deciding to leave right now?
14 Jun
Why are your employees deciding to leave right now?

For the last two years we have been talking about being in a candidate led market with minimal movement making it challenging for businesses to hire. Following the pandemic people are naturally nervous about moving due to more uncertainty and many just want some “normality” back again, and who wouldn’t after the time we’ve had.


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