6 Steps To Attracting Top Talent in 2021
4 Jan
6 Steps To Attracting Top Talent in 2021

As businesses put 2020 behind us and look forward to a new year, we reflect on the lessons learned.

Employees can work from home and be productive, you can on board new team members remotely, mental health and employee welfare became front of mind, communication was key to check in on employees and drive engagement, we figured out the benefits of MS Teams and Zoom and we trusted our teams. We evolved quicker than expected and used innovation to move our businesses forward, much quicker than any of us had planned.

How to Attract Top Talent in 2021
11 Dec
How to Attract Top Talent in 2021

And somehow in the blink of an eye 2020 draws to a close, a year we will never forget. As businesses put the year behind us and look forward to a new year, we reflect on the lessons we have learnt as business owners and senior leaders.

Employees can work from home and be productive. Your team do care about the business. We became aware just how important mental health is. Communication was key to check in on employees and drive engagement. We figured out the benefits of MS Teams and Zoom and we were creative with our teams. We evolved quicker than expected and used innovation to move our businesses forward.

How to conduct interviews online
22 Oct
How to conduct interviews online

With there being no signs of returning back to the office for most anytime soon, businesses are assessing how they continue to conduct candidate interviews in order to continue to more their business forward. With many people still working from home and the majority of firms interviewing and on boarding new team members via zoom, it's important that as a business you have a strategy to recruitment during these strange times.

As such it’s important you give real thought and consideration in order to get it right first time as an unpolished process can come across as unprofessional and damage your employer brand and reputation in the area.

87% of UK workers would consider a new role, right now
13 Oct
87% of UK workers would consider a new role, right now

According to the latest data from LinkedIn’s Workforce Confidence Index, one third of the UK workforce is actively looking for a new job whilst a further 26% of workers are casually looking for a new job and 30% – while not actively looking – are open to the right offer. This means that only 13% of workers are not looking and not interested in any new opportunities right now.

It’s our 3rd Birthday….
5 Oct
It’s our 3rd Birthday….

Wow, we are so incredibly grateful to celebrate 3 years in business. We want to just say a huge thank you to our amazing clients, sensational candidates and our incredible network for being a part of the journey so far. We thought there's no better day to share with you our journey so far, the lessons we have learned and what we have in store for the future.

3 years ago, we had a vision…. A vision to create a recruitment business with a difference. We saw a gap in the market and knew that things could be done differently. Offering exceptional service and innovative solutions to clients would enable us to disrupt the norm and set the benchmark for the industry. We have built a business based around relationships, transformation, adding value and solving problems with a culture derived by our core values and those of the clients we represent.


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