Times are changing and so are we….
18 May
Times are changing and so are we….

Having engaged with clients throughout this period it is clear that what businesses now need from a recruitment partner have changed. It is evident that most organisations will now require a completely different business post COVID-19 which includes strategy, team, skillset and knowledge. Businesses will be looking for a recruitment partner who can consult and advise rather than simply fill jobs.

How COVID-19 has affected recruitment?
13 May
How COVID-19 has affected recruitment?

COVID-19 is a global issue and hit the UK 8 weeks ago and has since changed everything for businesses up and down the country including the recruitment industry. The virus is, unsurprisingly, having a catastrophic impact on businesses and the recruitment industry is certainly not immune to that. Businesses are having to adapt quickly in order to survive and it is very possible that the legacy of COVID-19 may forever change the nature of recruitment and the workplace landscape.

How to ACE Video Interviews
31 Mar
How to ACE Video Interviews

Prepping for Video Interviews

Video interviewing isn’t new. Far from it, in fact. Hiring managers and recruitment agencies (like us) have been using tools like this for years now. However, our industry-leading platform just makes it all that easier for you and our clients.

Some of you will already have experience with video interviewing software, while others may only be familiar with the more traditional face-to-face set up. One thing’s for certain though, video interviewing is here to stay. So, now’s the time to embrace it. In fact, given the current climate, it’s more likely than ever that you’ll be asked to interview online. So, here’s a quick run-down to help ensure you’re putting your best foot forward when the time comes. 

How to continue recruiting throughout COVID-19
14 Mar
How to continue recruiting throughout COVID-19

We have a solution….

It's safe to say every business is thinking about COVID-19 and the impact it could have on the economy and every business within it.

You’re likely facing a few months of uncertainty around hiring. Frustratingly, it feels like a long time to press pause on processes you've worked so hard to mature. Which is why we've taken measures to make sure you’re in a strong position when COVID-19 passes. 

On average, a talent pipeline takes 2-4 months to mature. This means we run the risk of turning a 3-month problem into a 12+ month problem if we take drastic measures and press stop. But we can’t simply carry on as normal either. We must find a way to slow down your process enough to cope with the change, whilst maintaining momentum with candidates to support your hiring plans for the remainder of the year.

What are the benefits to incorporating video into your recruitment process?
26 Feb
What are the benefits to incorporating video into your recruitment process?

Traditionally recruitment has been a lengthy and arduous task for any business. Advertising jobs, speaking to recruiters, trawling through endless CVs and applications and then spending hours interviewing unsuitable candidates whilst still trying to do your day job. We’ve all been there when we’ve got excited about a CV only for the candidate to walk in to be disappointed because they’ll never fit into the team and culture you’ve spent so long creating. 

Why in the digital world we live in are some employers and recruitment agencies still relying on 2D, black and white pieces of paper to pick candidates to interview. We are in the 21st century whereby we are all using digital innovation to do everything in our lives so, why should recruitment be any different? Enhancing the candidate experience whilst making your recruitment process more efficient and effective surely is a win-win situation.


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