Why people aren't applying for your roles and what you can do about it!

June 02, 2021

Why people aren't applying for your roles and what you can do about it!

“Why aren't people applying for our roles?” is a conversation we've had with many clients over the last few weeks, and people just can't understand why they're not getting applications for vacancies they're looking to fill.

If you’re recruiting for entry level or semi-skilled roles or whereby industry experience isn’t essential then you are in luck as long as the role and package is attractive (& that’s an important point to make) you’ll get the level of interest you need to find a great candidate.

There is a myth at the minute that there is an employers market where employers will get a pick of the bunch and can be very selective with the process. And the reality is, it's quite the opposite in many industries, and the reasons for that is, yes, there's been a lot of redundancies and unemployment has risen to 5%. However, we now know that two thirds of redundancies are in under 25’s. So, they're your millennials, you're under skilled entry level or semi-skilled candidates.

The reality is the businesses that are hiring now are looking for a very specific skill set and certain industry experience because they need someone to hit the ground running. The reality is these people are either furloughed, because we know that 5 million people are still furloughed, or they're in a role and nervous to make a move, understandably after the year we have had. Making recruiting key hires challenging and very time consuming.

If you are recruiting for a specific skillset the reality is, when you advertise a vacancy, no one's applying and no one's applying because of those reasons. Which is contrary to what a lot of people think.

So, what you do to attract great people?

1.      Look at the proposition. What is the job role? (now is not the time to be expecting someone to do more for less). What is the attraction for somebody to make a move and apply for your role? Is your benefits package attractive enough to make someone want to make a move? And we’re not talking 28 days holiday, free parking and dress down Fridays – people want flexibility, home working, a good pension and attractive holidays.

2.      Are you utilising your existing employees? Who do they know that could be looking for an opportunity? Because I guarantee right now, there are many people considering their future and wanting to move but are just waiting and biding their time. Is there an incentive in place for successful referrals?

3.      Social media – are you getting your vacancies in front of your target audience, and are you utilising social media to shout about what you do and why you are be an employer of choice? The more consistently present you are the more people will start noticing you and start coming to you when you advertise an opportunity. This takes time but should be part of your marketing strategy as a business.

The reality is, it's hard out there, it's the hardest it's ever been in many years. It is still very much a candidate led market, there is a shortage of great candidates and as a business, you need a strategy.

You need to be very clear on what you're looking for and you need to work hard on looking for it and how you will attract the right people that align with your vision, culture and long term goals.

If you feel that you need more help and more support with it, please do reach out to us – it’s what we do and we’d love to help you find great talent for your business.

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